Girdlestone Park, East Devonport 03 6427 8232

Club History

An Early History

An early attempt was first made to form a club at Torquay (now East Devonport) in 1888, a period of time when football was making its greatest expansion on the Coast, and it is believed that a football club was established in the area.  No office bearers were listed or records of any games recorded but it can be presumed that games were played socially with neighbouring junior clubs..

It was not until 1899 when the next attempt was made to reform and a team known as the Brittania Club, a senior team formed by the amalgamation of East Devonport and Latrobe.  Football was at a low ebb caused mainly by the depression and the South African war and the future of the Club was in jeopardy .  This combination team played in the NWFA competition together with Mersey, Barrington and Ulverstone.  In 1900 the Club went into recess but the following year the Club was reformed as the East Devonport Football Club and played in the junior division of the NWFA.  Mr H Slater was elected secretary and the first team selected was Perrin (capt.), Gardam (2), Foley, Manix, Stokes, Mead, Johnstone, Smallbon, Lockwood, Lawler, Taylor, Moles, Woodhall, Martin, Washington, Proctor and Saunders.  Apart from playing social matches in 1902 the Club went into recess and despite several attempts to reform over the next few years the Club with the exception of 1906 when they played in the junior division of the NWFA went into permanent recess until the reformation of the present East Devonport Football Club in 1931.


A meeting was set down for 9 March at Mr J Rosevear's residence at East Devonport and this is generally regarded as the modern birthplace of the East Devonport Football Club.  Mr W B Cocker presided at the meeting which elected the following office bearers.

  • Patron - J A Lyons MHR (later to become Prime Minister)
  • Vice Patrons - E J Ogilvie MHA, W D Winspear, C Evans
  • President - E J Gillian
  • Vice Presidents - R E Fitzgibbon, C Lockett, Major Malcolm
  • Secretary - T Lacey
  • Treasurer - F Rooke
  • Committee -  G Foley, G O'Brien, J Rosevear, R Munro, R Fitzgibbon,  A Hughes

The colours chosen were blue and white.  East Devonport affiliated with NWFA and membership was 2/6 (25c). K Bailey was appointed coach but terminated his contract on 22 June and was replaced by 'Gaff' Foley.

The Club however did not enjoy success on the field and made the finals in 1935 only to lose the first semi to eventual premiers, Forth..

During the war years the Club was kept alive by the untiring efforts of Frank Ray who organised the underage competitions, Under 21 and Under 18.  Frank was secretary/manager of both teams and the team's efforts of winning premierships in 1943 and 1944 must be attributed to Frank's organising ability.

When the NWFU was reformed in 1945, East Devonport chose to join the senior body in preference to returning to the NWFA and adopted their now familiar colours of red and white.  The Club met with immediate success winning the Eastern Division Title but were defeated by APPM for the Union premiership.  However, they made amends the following year, 1946, by winning the coastal title and followed up be repeating the 'dose' again in 1948.  Although being worthy contenders in the NWFU it was not until 1968 under the capable leadership of Graeme 'Gypsy' Lee that the Club enjoyed the ultimate success

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Girdlestone Park, East Devonport

03 6427 8232

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