Girdlestone Park, East Devonport 03 6427 8232

Profiles: Coaches and Officials

2022 Committee

  • John Febey: President
  • Michael Tait: Vice president
  • Tenielle Howard: Secretary
  • Tim French: Finance Director
  • Chris Young: Junior Development Officer
  • Michael Bloomfield: Player/Coach Liaison Officer
  • Kurt Smith: IT Officer
  • Simon Ackerley: Member
  • Jon Bishton: Mental Health/Diversity Officer
  • Mark Milbourne: Marketing and Sponsorship
  • Jarred Clarke - Member 

Executive Committee

Executive Committee and background

  • John Febey: High School Bursar, banking, past player
  • Michael Tait: Life Member, Boiler Maker Welder, past player
  • Tim French: Chartered Accountant, business owner
  • Tenielle Howard: Solicitor, business owner, past player
Contact Us

Get In Touch

Girdlestone Park, East Devonport

03 6427 8232

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